
Product Scope Fee Action
macstl individual US $99
corporate US $499
redistributable US $2499

We’re glad you found our products worth it and want to register them! Just click on the appropriate PayPal Buy Now buttons to register. Or contact us if you prefer cutting us a check or some other form of payment.

Pay an individual license fee for a single developer. Any proprietary object code that #includes macstl may not be distributed to or used by anyone else. This applies to all library versions within one year of purchase.

Pay a corporate license fee for a company or organization. Any proprietary object code that #includes macstl may only distributed and used within the organization. This applies to all library versions within two years of purchase.

Pay a redistributable license fee to distribute proprietary object code that #includes macstl to third parties and allow them to use it. This applies to all library versions within three years of purchase.

All paid licensees are entitled to Subversion access to the latest sources during their license terms.

If you haven’t yet tried out our libraries, do download them to see if they are worth it. Remember, they are fully open-source, which means if you're willing to reciprocate your own code that #includes macstl, you don't have to pay a cent.

Tue, 28 Jun 2005. © Pixelglow Software.
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